Custom woodwork from LASERTRIM is a cost-effective way to make a cottage build stand out
Custom cottage builders need to strike a balance: they want their projects to stand out, but they also have to meet the client’s expectations of what a cottage looks and feels like. Carefully selected woodwork is an excellent way to achieve both of those goals.
“A cottage owner doesn’t want their place to look like it was purchased out of a catalogue,” says Jeff Rogers, owner of LaserTrim, “but they can also have a strong vision of a Muskoka cottage look. Details in the trim, flooring, balustrades and other finishing features make a huge difference.”
Jeff’s shop also strikes a balance: capable of running thousands of feet of flooring or baseboard at a cost-effective speed, but also not afraid of smaller projects like making exact reproductions of decaying historical woodwork.
Every project is custom and gets the same attention to detail. Whether it’s cutting custom window muntins or shaping dozens of balusters, every piece needs to be exact. And it needs to be made from consistently-excellent wood so the pieces move together in response to changing seasons.
Contractors are often surprised to learn how cost-effective custom trim and millwork can be. “With quality materials and custom design, there’s less waste, and often the installation is faster,” Jeff explains.
“And if contractors can give their clients a high-quality, unique cottage on time and budget, then everyone is happy.”